5 Pieces of Metaphysics

(Above: Installation format - 5 projections on a single screen)

(Below: each fragment/window of video installation)

5 Pieces of Metaphysics, 2006
Simultaneous projection of 5 videos in loop, projection screen 6 x 4m.
(top to bottom:)
1. Eino Kaila, super 8 transferred to digital, no sound, 1’08”
2. Enlightenment,
super 8 transferred to digital, no sound, 1’56”
3. Correspondence,
super 8 transferred to digital, no sound, 1’26”
4. Olbers’ Paradox,
digital video of digital video, no sound, 1’56”
5. Arrow of time (September 1978, June 2005),
super 8 transferred to digital + video digital, no sound, 1’56”